Holistic Coaching with Jeanine

Helping you feel connected, free, and clear –
so you can move from striving to thriving!

Holistic Coaching with Jeanine

Helping you feel connected, free, and clear – so you can move from striving to thriving!

Confusion → Clarity

You may feel indecisive and torn between two major options in life and not sure how to move forward. We create the clarity needed to move confidently in the direction of your deepest aspirations, led by your inner compass.

Criticism → Compassion

You want to make the most of your time, energy, and talents. You feel urgency to “get there,” berating yourself for being behind, and trying to push yourself ahead. We work to build self-compassion and daily appreciation of progress, celebrating milestones big and small.

Frustration → Flourishing

Feeling paralyzed figuring out which way is “right”? Getting caught in old patterns that no longer serve you is a recipe for feeling STUCK. We create relief and freedom to be open to new possibilities that bring your highest joy.

Separation → Support

In this busy go-go-go world, you may feel alone and isolated in your struggles. We awaken the connection – to your highest truth, your deepest desires, and the people who can be a solid community as you thrive in fertile ground.

Success Stories

Thanks to Jeanine and her transformational program, I am feeling the most balanced I have felt in years. In the three weeks we have been working together, she has helped me open my mind more than I ever thought was possible and approach my every day life with a new sense of joy and trust.

Rachel BertoneChoreographer and Director, Boston, Massachusetts

Jeanine Cerundolo’s Purpose Program is invaluable. For many years I have been trying to condense many parts of my professional life in an effort find deeper meaning, and her loving and firm guidance helped me get to the essence of how I contribute to society. It’s a must for any professional.

Scott MorganPresident, The Morgan Group & Senior Associate at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Washington, DC

She encourages me to knock down walls that hinder my growth and sense of possibility by showing me that they aren’t real; I have created and bolstered them with my own negative mindset. Since I started working with Jeanine, I have become kinder to myself and less critical of others. I am doing things that I had been avoiding. I am clearing space to change what is no longer working. I feel lighter. Jeanine has been an invaluable guide every step of the way.

Jessye JoyceHealth Professional, Boston, Massachusetts

Through meditation, intention-setting, and reflection, Jeanine has enabled me to achieve heightened self awareness, feeling more centered, present, and confident. Not only did Jeanine help me accomplish every one of my goals that I set for coaching, but I am now pursuing my dream career and ready to continue to use the tools that she provided to continue to evolve my aspirations while savoring the journey along the way.

Michael StoneEntrepreneur & Founder of “Abroad 101.” New York, New York

Jeanine Cerundolo

Transformational Coaching

As a personal and professional growth coach committed to helping clients thrive, my background includes a Clinical Psychology Masters degree from the Spirituality Mind Body Institute at Columbia University.

I also hold Yoga Instructor and Group Coaching certifications. In all my work with clients, I help people to shift from chaos to clarity and confidence in the areas of:

  • Life Transitions – Career change, big move, new relationship
  • Personal Growth – Nurturing creative aspirations and artistic expression
  • Break-Ups & Love – Healing and moving forward to love more deeply
  • Passion & Purpose Work  – Creating meaningful work that feels aligned

In our work together, clients gain freedom from their own fears and self-imposed limitations – the blocks that keep them from expressing and experiencing the greatness and the joy they know is possible.

I am dedicated to helping each person I work with to see progress both internally and externally in their lives. They make strides in work, love, and play while also allowing themselves to enjoy the process more.

About Jeanine

Client Results

Amped Up Love Life

Healed from a break-up and opened to new possibilities in love so that with openness and clarity she was ready to meet the love of her life (and is now married and starting a family!)

Attained Dream Job

Overcame limiting patterns keeping him stuck in a rut at work, and took the right next steps to now be hired by his ideal company, enjoying a dream career in his field

Purposeful Work

Switched from an unfulfilling career path described as “a toxic environment” to one rich with meaning and contribution, while gaining new skills and increased self-confidence along the way

Mended the Heart

Had support in grieving the loss of a loved one to come to a place of deeper peace, closure, and honoring of the legacy left behind


Uncovered her latent creative side and became able to share and express her unique and powerful voice in the world, culminating with a strong performance art piece


Discovered renewed direction, purpose, and inner drive to expand his business as an entrepreneur and increase both his income and his impact

If you’re feeling stuck and frustrated and are ready to show up fully for the life you desire – let’s connect!

The Coaching Process


Book your discovery call

Curious to learn more and speak with me directly? Apply below for a ~30 min Free Discovery Consultation to start exploring your options and get clarity. Once approved, you will receive an email to book your call within a week.

We'll connect on an empowering call

In this complimentary Discovery Consultation, we will work together to help reveal your vision, get to know each other, and begin to create breakthroughs. If there’s synergy and you are excited to move forward, you’ll have an option to try out coaching in a deep-dive session.

Experience a session

Try out the coaching process in your first formal deep-dive session with me (~70min). This pre-paid one-off session will provide great value and insights, and also let you sample the work and illuminate how coaching may be able to support you.

Choose your path

Get in touch with your deeper visions and imagine the possibilities ahead. Get clear on what you want, what’s in your way, and what next steps you can take moving forward. Coaching with me includes a personalized Hub where I log notes, suggested resources and tools, and a list of recommended next steps to help you take action in between our sessions!

Begin your transformative journey

In our work together, you will experience many shifts that will help you expand both personally and professionally. Integrate this transformational work from our sessions into your daily life to see progress both internally and externally.